Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Blank AppsLogin / AppsLocalLogin Page In R12?

There were quite a few times i had encountered this blank page issue and the root cause was not the same all the times. There are many reasons for this issue to occur. Listed below are some of them.
Scenario 1: After a clone
Solution :
1. stopall — to shutdown opmn managed services viz., opmn, forms, oacore & oc4j
2. cd $COMMON_TOP/_pages
3. mv _pages _pages_old
4. cd $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin or export PATH=$FND_TOP/patch/115/bin:$PATH
5. Compile all jsps.
perl –compile –flush -p 2
(-p represents parallel threads, if you have enough horse power on your server, you can increase it to 8 or 10)
6. startall
Scenario 2: Database Listener is down
Solution: Obvious answer, start the database listener.
Scenario 3: Database Archive Locaion is 100% full
Solution: Either temporarily move the archive files to another location or delete older archive files (provided you had taken a cold backup sometime).
Scenario 4: IAS Cache initialization failed
This issue occurs only if you have more than one mid-tier and you had enabled Distributed Java Caching.
Error Message in log file:
Exception in static block of jtf.cache.CacheManager. Stack trace is: oracle.apps.jtf.base.resources.FrameworkException:
IAS Cache initialization failed.
The Distributed Caching System failed to initialize on port: 12357.
The list of hosts in the distributed caching system is: [node 1] [node 2].
The port [port no] should be free on each host running the JVMs.
at oracle.apps.jtf.cache.IASCacheProvider.init(
at oracle.apps.jtf.cache.CacheManager.activateCache(
In this scenario, s_java_object_cache_port value was listening on node 2 but not on node 1. So whichever connection went to node 1 it returned a blank page and occasionally it displayed 500 Internal Server error.
1) Bring down opmn services on both the boxes.
2) Verify no process is listening for s_java_object_cache_port here to view the commands.
2) Change s_java_object_cache_port on all the nodes in the context file
3) Run autoconfig
s_java_object_cache_port value is referrenced in two places
1) $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.3/javacache/admin/javacache.xml
2) Profile option name JTF_DIST_CACHE_PORT
Change the port value to a new number and bounce opmnctl services. Dont forget to change it in $CONTEXT_FILE. (To take effect during next autoconfig)
Use commands listed in step 2 of autoconfig option.
If the new port mentioned still doesnt listen on the boxes you can use below workaround. This workaround will resolve the “IAS Cache initialization failed” even if the port is not listening.
Set LONG_RUNNING_JVM=false in $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.3/j2ee/oacore/config/
Bounce opmn services.
In 11i, if the database listener is down or if the archive location is full, atleast we get the internal server page while trying to access the login page, but in R12 nothing happens except for the blank page and apache error log will have an entry “oc4j_socket_recvfull timed out” with additional error message mod_oc4j: request to OC4J [mid-tier servername:ajp port] failed: Connect failed
So the moral of the story is recompiling the jsps is not always the solution if you get a blank login page.

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